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  • awakentrees

Hope for Tanzania

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

We are very happy to announce that Awaken Trees will extend its work to another country: Tanzania. In rural drylands of the Central Zone we will spread the knowledge about awakening trees without planting new ones.

The initiative will target the young generation through trainings at 24 schools - implemented by our great partner LEAD foundation (

LEAD foundation was founded in 2011 by the retired bishop and Minister of Education Simon Chiwanga. In his home-region Dodoma LEAD inspired thousands of farmers to regenerate over 6 million trees on their land. Because of the successful cooperation with the Dutch NGO justdiggit (, they managed to spread their message even to other parts of the country.

Awaken Trees had the chance to visit all the project areas for one month and to learn directly from farmers and pastoralists about awakening trees.

What makes the work of LEAD very special is the relationship to the people. They know exactly how to communicate with local communities from different cultural backgrounds. Every training is a hugh event with traditional music, dance and lots of fun. In a short time periode, masses of people joined a powerful movement, which is spreading like a jungle fire. This movement is called „Kisiki Hai“ - which means „living tree stump“.

It is Awaken Tree’s task to enable children and the youth to take part in this movement - to also provid the young generation with the tools for a better future.

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